Damages Kolejna witryna oparta na WordPressie


The Law Firm of Maciej Drozdowski, Legal Counsel, has a specialised legal department that handles cases regarding damages.

On numerous occasions, cases for damages run by the Law Firm received national media coverage in mainstream television and press.
We have successfully run cases without precedent in the history of the country, involving highly complex factual and legal circumstances.

We represent injured parties before courts all over the country, so our clients come from whole Poland.

The Law Firm specialises in particular in providing aid to people injured in serious accidents at constructions sites and in shipyards, carpentry shops, loading terminals, mines, chemical plants, manufacturing plants, sawmills and other industrial plants.
We provide injured parties with the following services:

  • Counselling and representation of the injured party (or their family members if the injured party died) before an accident investigation team appointed by the employer – we help the injured party to submit objections to an accident report and to request to include irregularities not attributable to the employee in the report,
  • We represent the injured party (or their family members if the injured party died) in main proceedings conducted by the National Labour Inspectorate regarding the accident
  • We represent the injured party (or their family members if the injured died) in criminal proceedings regarding the accident
  • We represent injured parties in civil proceedings to obtain adequate compensation or compensation for material damage in the form of damage caused by an illness and damage in the form of lost profits, proceedings to obtain civil pension and reimbursement of the costs of treatment and care, and proceedings to obtain the coverage of the costs of an appropriate prosthesis.

We help people who sustained injuries in:

  • transport accidents – also when then culprit is unknown or did not have a valid civil liability insurance or when the injury was caused by a foreigner,
  • Pedestrians and cyclists knocked down by a motor vehicle on a parking lot or an internal road
  • Victims of medical errors
  • People injured as a result of tripping on the uneven surface of a pavement or road, falling into unprotected openings or slipping on a slippery surface or a surface that is not cleared of snow, also in a commercial centre or any other public facility,
  • In accidents on the premises of a farmstead

We help the close relative of fatal accident victims to obtain compensation

The category of a fatal accident includes accidents at work, transport accidents and any other accidents resulting in the death of one’s close relative.
The category of a close relative includes a spouse, children, parents, siblings, parents-in-law and friends, where each close relative has his or her claims for damages, irrespective of the claims of other close relatives.

We help the close relatives of fatal accident victims to effectively assert:

  • Civil claims, such as compensation, damages for a significant deterioration of one’s life situation, civil pension, reimbursement of the full costs of a funeral
  • We represent the close relatives of the deceased in criminal proceedings and proceedings conducted by the National Labour Inspectorate.
  • We represent close relatives before courts in trials regarding claims asserted

We help in cases regarding material damage

We help in cases regarding material damage.
They include in particular cases regarding damage to motor vehicles and damage resulting from fire, flooding, theft or other fortuitous events.
We cooperate with various experts who help our Clients to estimate the actual damage.
W przypadku szkód majątkowych świadczymy usługi w zakresie:

  • Counselling with respect to commissioning an independent expert to prepare an opinion,
  • Assistance in verifying whether a vehicle is a write-off or not,
  • Assistance in obtaining due damages from an insurance company in case the insurer refused to pay or underestimated the value of damages,
    gdy ubezpieczyciel odmówił wypłaty odszkodowania lub zaniżył jego wartość
  • Representing the injured before court in the scope of claims asserted

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